Q: Can I be hypnotized?

A: Yes, if you want to. That’s the main paradigm of successful hypnotherapy.

Q: I cannot be hypnotized.

A: Do you ever sleep? Then you can be hypnotized.

Q: I do not want to be hypnotized / I think I cannot be hypnotized.

A: Then it is accurate. Keep your problem until you change your mind.

Q: I read about the dangers of hypnosis. Is it really dangerous?

A: No, hypnosis is very safe and has been here for millennia, not only centuries.

Q: Do I lose control over myself in hypnosis?

A: No, hypnosis is not an unconscious state like sleep. There’s always a protection mechanism of your mind in place. Hypnosis is based on active cooperation between the client and the hypnotherapist and not on the hypnotherapist controlling the client.

Q: Is hypnosis dangerous?

A: You will feel very calm and relaxed during the hypnotherapy. One of the main advantages of hypnotherapy is that the client feels refreshed, full of energy, and emotionally calm at the end of the session. (Remember the time when you talked about your problem with a friend how you felt)

Q: Can I be hypnotized against my will?

A: No, the client’s conscious consent is required.

Q: Do I have to believe in hypnosis to make it work?

A: No, hypnosis is not based on faith but on scientific and behavioral principles that work regardless of whether the client believes in them. The client shall have trust, not belief.

Q: Why and how hypnotherapy helps more efficiently than other kinds of therapy?

A: Talking out of the problems doesn’t work. Talking will usually not release the problem. It’s crucial to release all negative emotions associated with the problem and change the subconscious association with the problem. Hypnotherapy works directly with the subconsciousness. That’s why it’s so efficient.

Example 1 A woman starts to gain weight after being unfaithful. She suffers, feels guilty, and can create a subconscious association that looking good equals infidelity. So she gains weight not to be unfaithful any more. Until she releases accompanied guilt and changes that subconscious association, she will keep the weight and be unable to lose it. No matter how hard she diets or exercises.

Example 2 It’s quite complicated to stop smoking just by talking about it. Clients are aware that smoking seriously impairs their health. Yet, it’s tough to quit. A client won’t quit smoking until he changes his subconscious programming that cigarette/nicotine equals habit and feeling calm. Nicotine itself is not addictive at all. There would be millions of people addicted to nicotine gums and patches (and there are not) if it was. There are different addictive compounds in cigarettes added, such as sugar and a false sense of calmness and relaxation.

Q: How can I be sure I was hypnotized?

A: I heard everything you said. Hypnosis is a state of mind between waking state and sleep. There’s no siren or bell ring when a client enters hypnosis. There’re usual signs of hypnosis state like a heightened sense of hearing, feeling heaviness or lightness in the body, sense of complete relaxation. It’s quite right that the client heard everything. It confirms he processed the suggestions.

“Never give up on someone. Sometimes the answers you are looking for are the same answers another person is looking for. Two people searching together are always better than one person alone.”

Shannon L. Alder

Q: Will I remember what I saw or heard in hypnosis?

A: Some clients experience partial or complete amnesia from the hypnotherapy session. Remembering suggestions or not has no impact on the hypnotherapy process. Suggestions in hypnosis go straight to the subconscious mind, and they impact your symbols that represent your feelings, experience, and emotions.

Q: Am I asleep in hypnosis?

A: No, the hypnosis state resembles sleep because of closes eyes, relaxed muscles, rhythmic breathing, and being still. Word hypnosis quoted Scottish surgeon Dr. Hames Braid in the 19th century based on the Greek word Hypnos (sleep).

Q: Can I get stuck in hypnosis?

A: No, it’s not possible. Hypnosis is not a sleep. However, some clients who come too tired or too stressed to the session can fall into quick 10-15 minutes of sound sleep (that may include snoring. Example 1. If a hypnotherapist would collapse and faint during the session, the client will spontaneously emerge and open eyes. Example 2: If there was a serious threat like a fire alarm, the client emerges immediately into a waking state and protects himself from being harmed.

Q: What’s the difference between meditation and hypnosis?

A: The mind is more passive and calm during meditation. The aim is to calm and empty the mind. The mind is more active during hypnosis. The mind receives suggestions that need to analyze, process, and decide whether it will pass them to subconsciousness. Meditation is suitable for releasing stress, not for therapy. In many cases, meditation is ruled out in between hypnotherapy sessions.

Q: Can I learn in sleep?

A: No, since the learning cognitive processes are inhibited during sleep. Sleep serves different mechanisms, primarily to process accumulated information and feeling from the actual day and venting out or passing them into subconsciousness. It’s completely ineffective to learn in hypnosis.

Q: Can I remember something in hypnosis I forgot?

A: Yes, you can remember where you put a ring or important documents in hypnosis. It’s very effective.

Q: How long can a suggestion last?

A: A suggestion can last a month, year, 20 years, or even a lifetime. That’s why it’s important to keep scheduled sessions to create a permanent link in the subconscious mind. For example, a fear of a dog is also a suggestion, although it started at a very early age. Similarly, fear of wasps or bees, remember how many adult people you know run away from the summer drink.

Q: Why is it mandatory to repeat scheduled sessions, usually weekly or bi-weekly?

A: You’ve learned your problems by repeating suggestions over perhaps 10 or 20 years, like fear or smoking, like each smoked cigarette equals a suggestion. That’s why you need to receive new suggestions repeatedly to transform negative behaviors. Best results are achieved in weekly or bi-weekly repetition.

Q: Will I bark like a dog or do silly things in hypnosis?

A: Yes, if you want to. These suggestions are usual at stage hypnosis, where subjects on stage consent to do silly things. Hypnotherapy is not a show or fun. It’s therapy to achieve your goals. During hypnotherapy, the client gives consent to work on his actual problems, but not anything else. The client will vent out such suggestions not respond to them because the purpose of therapy is different.

Q: Is it possible to discover past lives or lives between lives?

A: Yes, it is possible, and your experience can be transformational for your present life.

“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.”


Q: Can hypnosis replace regular medical treatments?

A: No, hypnotherapy doesn’t replace any medical, psychology, or psychiatry treatment. Hypnotherapy is used for vocational and avocational self-improvement, for example, quitting smoking, removing the fear of flying, increasing self-confidence, etc. For help with any medical issue, a medical professional’s consent is required. The client can not deliberately decide to quit any ongoing medical treatment. This would mean immediate suspension of hypnotherapy services.

Q: I’m taking medicine. When I feel better, can I lower the dosage or stop taking it?

A: No, you cannot deliberately change prescribed medicine. This would also lead to the immediate suspension of hypnotherapy services.

Q: I don’t want to see a psychologist or psychiatrist. I want to try hypnotherapy first.

A: It’s about the hypnotherapist’s sole decision to decide to request a medical evaluation by a medical professional. If the client doesn’t cooperate or doesn’t undertake medical evaluation, it leads to immediate suspension of hypnotherapy services.

Q: I suffer from depression. Will hypnotherapy help me?

A: Yes, in most cases, hypnotherapy will help; however, you will need your medical professional’s consent.

Q: How many sessions are needed?

There no answer to this question. Each client is different because of millions of different suggestions from birth by parents, school teachers, and the environment. The number of sessions is very individual; however, the client feels better after the first session.

Q: Will I tell secrets or do something against my will in hypnosis?

A: No, you will not tell anything other than what you would normally tell during a conversation. Sometimes client doesn’t speak during the hypnotherapy session at all. Also, you will not do anything that would be against your morals or ethics.

Q: What if I do not wake up from hypnosis?

A: Term hypnosis quoted Scottish surgeon James Braid based on his clients’ observations. Besides being a very successful surgeon, he was also a big fan of “animal magnetism.” He observed his clients in the state and noticed typical signs of the state like closed eyes, lose muscles, deep breathing, a state resembling sleep, thus word hypnosis from the Greek word Hypno-sleep. Since you do not actually sleep, the term might be confusing; however, you cannot get stuck in hypnosis since you do not sleep. The easiest and fastest way of ending hypnosis is just by opening your eyes.

Q: Can I have someone in the room while being hypnotized?

A: Usually, I recommend no other person in the room. However, if you consider this necessary and can assure that the person will not interfere with the therapy, it is OK to bring one person. I usually suggest having a joint meeting with that person before the hypnotherapy. Since the beginning of my hypnotherapy career, there has not been a single case when the client would insist on another person’s presence in the therapy room.

Q: Do you guarantee results? Can I pay based on the outcomes of the therapy?

A: I guarantee I am doing my best, using all my skills, efforts, and expertise to guide you to overcome your issue. However, we deal with your mind influenced by millions of stimuli of your parents, relatives, teachers, and it is unique to you. There is no other mind on Earth, same as yours, and no single treatment for each person or issue type. Hypnotherapy is a collaborative process. We are working together, unlike a dentist working on you. It also takes your conscious action to commit to change. Considering the above, there is no guarantee of the results.

Q: Is hypnotherapy a “miraculous” cure? It might look like it because it’s so effective.

A: However, hypnotherapy also has its limits.

“The greatest gift is not being afraid to question.”

Ruby Dee

Q: How to choose a hypnotherapist?

A: Choosing the right hypnotherapist is not a simple task. You will need to talk openly about your inner fears, hurts, and sorrows that you may have never told anymore. So, what qualities to look for when deciding which person will get to know you more than anyone else?

Trust is the crucial ingredient in the hypnotherapy process.

Read their websites.

Understand their training.

Look for testimonials.

Is it a person with actual clients and stories or just an over-hyped novice attitude? Remember, if something looks too good to be true, it usually is.

Is he indeed seeing clients? Even the best trainer in the world may hesitate to meet clients and may not be the best therapist.

These questions are for you to gain confidence and trust in this person. Schedule an introductory call or video session to get to know each other. Ask about credentials, history of clients, wonder why he chose this profession, and get the sense of this person’s energy.

If you do this with 2-3 hypnotherapists, you will usually feel this hard to explain a sense of trust to one (or more) hypnotherapist. Perhaps it is just a visual look or the way he talks, expressions, stories, or anything else. It might be strictly rational, like the list of references or learning paths, or something so irrational, like energy radiating from that person.

My best advice is to follow your inner voice, pick that person. You will be more comfortable talking and being open to this person than to anyone else. That is the beginning of your successful path for change.



How long are you going to keep your problems?
